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Muslim Advocates Responds to Facebook Civil Rights Audit Update, Stands By Demands for Board Reforms

WASHINGTON, DC –  The following statement from Madihha Ahussain, special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry at Muslim Advocates, is in response to Facebook’s preliminary update regarding its civil rights audit.  Muslim Advocates was one of the organizations demanding Facebook conduct this civil rights audit. Last night, more than 30 civil rights and advocacy groups called for significant reforms to Facebook’s board to ensure it is more independent, diverse, and capable of understanding the civil rights implications of its platform.

“Muslim Advocates and our partners demanded this audit in 2017. Laura Murphy’s thorough preliminary report makes clear that Facebook has done little to meaningfully address the bigotry and discrimination that pervades its platform. Sheryl Sandberg’s introduction indicates a lack of understanding that, after years and years of abuse, significant reforms are urgently needed now.

We stand by our letter demanding serious changes to Facebook’s board. The board is not in a position to hold its management accountable, it doesn’t match the demographics of its user community, and it doesn’t understand civil rights and serious reforms to it are necessary to protect vulnerable communities.”
