March 23, 2018
Issue: Fighting Bigotry
Bolton and Pompeo Further Entrench Trump Administration’s Rampant Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Washington, DC – The following is a reaction from Scott Simpson, public advocacy director of Muslim Advocates, to President Trump’s appointment of John Bolton to be National Security Advisor. After the nomination of Mike Pompeo to be Secretary of State, this marks the second recent high-level Trump appointee who is known to espouse extreme anti-Muslim views and has ties with anti-Muslim hate groups:
“Anti-Muslim animus is in the DNA of the Trump White House and the naming of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo to major leadership positions only further entrenches this bigotry throughout the administration.
As National Security Advisor to the Trump administration, Bolton will have his greatest platform yet to advance a divisive agenda that demonizes American Muslims.
- Chairs the Gatestone Institute, a publisher known for spreading anti-Muslim propaganda and conspiracies, including stories “claiming that the “mostly Muslim male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East” in Germany are fueling a “migrant rape crisis” and that “Muslim mass-rape gangs” are transforming the United Kingdom into “an Islamist Colony.”
- Authored a foreword to a book by infamous white supremacists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who have led the charge in protesting American mosques and spreading anti-Muslim conspiracy theories; and
- Spoke on renowned bigot Frank Gaffney’s radio show and was a keynote speaker for recognized hate group American Freedom Alliance.
Anti-Muslim bigotry has clouded this man’s vision throughout his career, and he is a dangerous choice to lead the National Security Council.”
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.