BLACK LIVES MATTER, An American Muslim Community Statement Against Police Violence

We, the undersigned American Muslim civil rights, advocacy, community and faith organizations, echo the calls being made nationwide for meaningful reforms to discriminatory law enforcement practices and violence against Black people in the United States.

Black lives matter. Yet, the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are just the latest high-profile acts of violence against Black people at the hands of police. This disregard for Black lives is not new, it is woven into our country’s very existence and dates back centuries.

Black people are often marginalized within the broader Muslim community. And when they fall victim to police violence, non-Black Muslims are too often silent, which leads to complicity.

Evans County, Georgia police gunned down Yassin Mohamed — a Black Muslim and Sudanese-American immigrant — during a mental health crisis. His killing came after police had several encounters with Mohamed within a 24-hour period, with one requiring him to be sent to a local hospital for mental health care.

Shukri Ali Said, a 36-year-old Black Muslim woman and Somali-American immigrant who lived with bipolar disorder and schizoprenia, told her sister she was hearing voices and needed to run away. In response, her sister called 911 asking for help only for the Johns Creek Georgia police to shoot and kill Shukri. The officers were all cleared of wrongdoing by internal affairs and all are still employed as officers.

Stephon Clark, a Black Muslim and father of two children, was shot eight times by Sacramento police — three times in the back — in his grandparents’ backyard. Upon learning that the officers would face no charges, Clark’s friend Jamilia Land said “Stephon was unarmed and in no way a threat. Instead, they shot 20 times and hit Stephon at least eight times. Even then, they did not call for medical care even though he was bleeding profusely. Now the Sacramento district attorney says it’s unjust to charge these officers with Stephon’s murder. Where is Stephon’s justice?”

The victimization of unarmed Black Muslims has a long and troubling history. In 1962, Malcolm X described a police shooting at a Los Angeles mosque that took the life of Ronald Stokes and injured six others that sounds strikingly familiar to the stories we hear today. “None of them were armed. None of them were struggling. None of them were fighting,” Brother Malcolm said. “None of them were trying to defend themselves at all.

In 1999, New York police murdered Amadou Diallo — an unarmed Black man, a Muslim, and recent immigrant — outside of his own apartment. Police fired 41 shots at Diallo without warning and without cause. None were convicted. One of the officers involved, Kenneth Boss, had previously killed a Black man who witnesses say was unarmed and, in 2015, Boss was promoted to sergeant.

Today, we are committing to take action in support of Black-led organizations on the front lines of this work. This is our fight. We join together to call for reform to our nation’s policing practices. We demand that actions be taken to:

  • Establish a federal standard that use of force be reserved as a last resort, only when absolutely necessary, after exhausting all other reasonable options;
  • Prohibit maneuvers that restrict the flow of blood or oxygen to the brain — including neck holds, chokeholds, and similar excessive force;
  • Prohibit racial profiling, and require robust data collection on police-community encounters and law enforcement activities;
  • Eliminate government programs that provide military equipment to law enforcement;
  • Prohibit the use of no-knock warrants;
  • Lower the legal standard to make it easier for prosecutors to successfully hold law enforcement accountable;
  • Develop a national public database that would cover all police agencies which would compile the names of officers who have had their licenses revoked due to misconduct;
  • End the “qualified immunity doctrine” which prevents police from being held legally accountable when they break the law;
  • End foreign military training for law enforcement;
  • Terminate violent extremism programs and grants, and
  • Redirect police funding into community health, education, employment and housing programs.

We recognize that discrimination pervades our entire justice system — from policing to trials to prisons to re-entry barriers for returning citizens — and that these demands only represent a down payment on the reforms that are needed. If this deep-seated discrimination cannot be done away with through reform, then these systems will need to be abolished and reimagined entirely.

As American Muslims, we will draw on our diversity, our strength, and our resilience to demand these reforms because Black lives matter. 

We cannot, and will not, accept anything less.



Muslim Advocates, Co-Organizer
Muslim Wellness Foundation, Co-Organizer
America Indivisible
American Muslim Bar Association
American Muslim Community Foundation
American Muslim Empowerment Network (AMEN)
American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP)
American Muslim Institution
Association of Muslim Chaplains
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
The Community Impact Fund
Emgage Action
Family & Youth Institute
FITNA (Feminist Islamic Troublemakers of North America)
ICNA Council for Social Justice
Imamia Medics International
Iranian Muslim Community
Islamophobia Studies Center
Justice For All
KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights
Khalil Center
Latino American Dawah Organization
Life in My Days
MSA National
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Muslim American Society-Public Affairs and Civic Engagement
Muslim Caucus of America
Muslim Legal Fund of America
Muslim Youth Leadership Council of Advocates for Youth
Muslims Allied for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD)
Muslims for Liberty
Muslims for Progressive Values
National Association of Muslim Lawyers
North American Islamic Foundation Inc
Stanford Muslim Mental Health Lab
Universal Muslims Association of America
Women in Islam
Women’s Islamic Initiative In Spirituality and Equality
Yemeni American Merchants Association
Young Leaders Institute

Brentwood Muslim Community Center
California Muslim Women’s Collective
ICNA Council for Social Justice, California
Islamic Shura Council of Southern California
M2E2 Inc.
Masjid As-Sabur
Memon Organization of North America
MSA West
Muslim American Society Sacramento Region
Muslim Bar Association of Southern California
Muslim Leadership Council of San Diego
San Francisco Muslim Community Center (SFMCC)
San Ramon Valley Islamic Center
UC Berkeley Muslim Student Association
Yemeni Alliance Committee

Colorado Muslim Society
Colorado Muslim Speakers Bureaa

Farmington Valley American Muslim Center (FVAMC)

Capital Area Muslim Bar Association
Muslim Institute – Interfaith Studies & Understanding

Islamic Society of Delaware

Friends of Humanity International
Muslim American Society of South Florida
Muslim Women’s Organization

Atlanta Society of Muslim Men
MIST Atlanta

Darul Arqum Islamic Center

Council of Islamic Organization of Greater Chicago CIOGC
Dar-us Sunnah Masjid & Community Center
Masjid Al-Taqwa
Midwest Muslim United Student Association (MMUSA)
Muslim Bar Association of Chicago
Muslim Community Center, Chicago

Indiana Muslim Advocacy Network
Indianapolis Muslim Community Association
Muslim Alliance of Indiana

ASK Center

Al Hadi Learning Organization
Islamic Community Center of Potomac
Montgomery County Muslim Council (MCMC)

Muslims for Progressive Values, Boston Chapter
MAS Boston

Dream of Detroit
Islamic Society of Greater Lansing

Sisters Need A Place
Mahdi Mujaahid

MAS of Kansas City

Billings Islamic Community

Al-Tawheed Islamic Center
Council of Imams in New Jersey
Husayn Center for Social Justice
Islamic Center of Ocean County (Masjid Mustafa)
Muslim Society of Jersey Shore (Masjid Bilal)
Masjid Muhammad Jersey City
Masjid Salahuddin
Muslim Federation of New Jersey
New Jersey Muslim Lawyers Association

Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York
Muslim Bar Association of New York
Muslim Community Network
Islamic Civic Association

Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Muslim American Society Toledo

Masjid Shakireen

Islamic Council of Puerto Rico

South Dakota Voices for Peace

American Muslim Advisory Council

Dallas-Fort Worth Muslim Bar Association (DFWMBA)
Islamic Education Institute of Texas
MSA at UT Arlington
MSA at UT Dallas
MSA Lone Star Council
SMU MSA (Southern Methodist University)
Texas Tech Muslim Student Association

Islamic Center of Culpeper
Muslim Community Center of Chesterfield

Somali Health Board
MAPS-AMEN (American Muslim Empowerment Network)

Wisconsin Muslim Civic Alliance

Islamic Center of Morgantown