Active Request

FOIA Requests

Extreme Vetting FOIA

FOIA Request Overview

In July 2017, Muslim Advocates, along with the Brennan Center for Justice, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Shoba Sivaprasaad Wadhia, filed a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request on various “extreme vetting” measures put in place by the Trump administration as part of or alongside Muslim Ban 2.0.

This request sought information about the measures and about the groups to whom they apply, including information about country of origin and, where available, religious affiliation. As part of that request, we also sought information regarding the worldwide review process mandated by the second Muslim Ban and that is currently being used by the government to justify the third Muslim Ban.

Muslim Advocates and its partners are currently litigating the part of the request that seeks immediate disclosure of the worldwide review report and surrounding materials on the basis of which the third Muslim Ban countries were selected.


Date filed: July 20, 2017
Status: In litigation.