
Collective Struggle and Strengthened Bonds During Ramadan

Salaam Alaikum—Inshallah your Ramadan has been filled with peace and restoration. I wish you and your loved ones many blessings during these final nights. 

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As Ramadan comes to an end, it is hard not to reflect on the pain we all have experienced recently. These last months have seen such unspeakable, genocidal violence visited on the Palestinian people. For our communities here, the scale and viciousness of the crackdown on our principled activism has brought anguish and fear. Still, through our collective struggle, this time has strengthened the bonds of our communities and ushered in a renewed commitment to resistance and freedom for all of us.

Against this backdrop, and as Muslim Advocates approaches its 20th anniversary, we are being reminded of the essential nature of our mission. It is a time when we are also renewing our organizational commitment to work in the cause of justice for Black, Arab, South Asian and Muslim communities—in all of our diversity. 


Today at Muslim Advocates, in close coalition with allied organizations, activists, and organizers, we have provided counsel to students bravely protesting on behalf of Palestinian liberation on campuses across six states, sued to obtain transparency about the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinian Americans and about discriminatory prosecution of Muslims at the southern border. And just last Monday we scored an important legal victory with our partners in the unfinished fight to dismantle the Muslim Ban. We are continuing to see an exponential increase in calls for our support. We are responding around the clock in court, in Washington, and on the front lines. We are doing this, even as we prepare for an election season that will put Muslim communities in the crosshairs even more. 

I am writing now to ask you to consider making an investment in our work. We are only as strong as our foundation, and we rely on supporters like you to sustain us. We’ll put your resources to work immediately on cases and campaigns that matter to you.  

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We are grateful to our many supporters who, over the years, have made it possible for us to meet the emergent social justice issues of the day. As an essential part of our community of supporters, we are grateful for your generosity, your passion, and your partnership.

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