
Muslim Advocates Denounces Trump’s Anti-Muslim Attacks on Ilhan Omar

WASHINGTON, DC — The following is a statement from Madihha Ahussain, Muslim Advocates’ special counsel for anti-Muslim bigotry, condemning President Trump for his multiple, bigoted, anti-Muslim smears on Monday against Rep. Ilhan Omar: 

“President Trump’s remarks today are a dangerous new low that will lead to more death threats on Congresswoman Omar and a surge in bigotry against American Muslims. It’s astonishing that he would fabricate a quote suggesting that Rep. Omar was proud of Al Qaeda. The idea that Muslims support terrorism is a false, harmful slur that the president gleefully peddled today when he falsely claimed that Rep. Omar supports terrorism and is anti-Semitic—both of which are established anti-Muslim tropes.

These words have serious consequences. When the president tweeted a video that intercut footage of Rep. Omar with scenes from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, she received death threats. Further, American Muslims continue to be the target of hate crimes, threats and discrimination and the president’s inciteful, bigoted rhetoric will only ensure that this trend intensifies. 

President Trump has made it clear that the driving force of his administration is open bigotry and white supremacy. All Republicans and Democrats must forcefully and unequivocally condemn him immediately. Anything less than that is an endorsement of this hatred.”

Muslim Advocates is a national civil rights organization working in the courts, in the halls of power and in communities to halt bigotry in its tracks. We ensure that American Muslims have a seat at the table with expert representation so that all Americans may live free from hate and discrimination. 
