April 25, 2018
Issue: Muslim Ban
Muslim Advocates: “Trump’s Ban Reeks of Anti-Muslim Animus”
Washington, DC – Ahead of the United States Supreme Court oral arguments in State of Hawai’i v. Trump – the lawsuit against President Trump’s long-promised Muslim Ban – the following is a statement from Johnathan Smith, legal director of Muslim Advocates. Muslim Advocates has filed eight separate lawsuits against the administration related to the ban and filed nine amicus briefs in various cases, including in Hawai’i v. Trump, and recently released its comprehensive report on the Muslim Ban entitled “Total and Complete Shutdown”:
Through the ill-contrived Muslim Ban, the administration has stigmatized and marginalized the American Muslim community; separated families and loved ones; and denied people opportunities to work, travel, study, seek medical care, and better our nation.
Numerous lower courts have already declared that President Trump’s ban reeks of anti-Muslim animus. Hopefully, the Supreme Court Justices will reaffirm these rulings, stand on the right side of history, and declare once and for all that religious discrimination and bigotry have no place in our country.
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.