September 22, 2017
Issue: Muslim Ban
Muslim Advocates Responds to Expected Expansion of Muslim and Refugee Ban
“Regardless of what happens, it’s absolutely clear that this executive order continues to be driven by religious animus.”
Washington, DC – Today news sources are reporting that the Trump administration will institute travel restrictions for approximately ten countries by no later than Sunday, when the travel ban for six majority-Muslim countries is set to expire. These reports come as the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments in the Muslim and refugee ban case in a few weeks. Muslim Advocates filed an amicus brief on Monday highlighting the racial animus explicit in the executive order. The following is a reaction from Johnathan Smith, legal director of Muslim Advocates. For booking, please contact Scott Simpson at [email protected] or Nicky Vogt at [email protected].
“Not content with the rampant profiling and extreme vetting that it has actively been encouraging through its executive orders and actions, the Trump administration is reported to once again be poised to institute even further discriminatory travel obstacles.
The travel ban portions that are about to be changed are only one part of a broader strategy that has perverted our national security protocols and led to rampant religious and racial profiling nationwide.
Regardless of what happens, it’s absolutely clear that this executive order continues to be driven by religious animus. Any nominal changes in countries or security rationalizations will not change that: this order has been and will continue to be the President’s way of making good on his campaign promise to institute a Muslim ban.
A quick review of the ‘bad people’ Trump’s original Muslim and refugee ban has kept out of our nation:
That is not our definition of ‘bad people.’
To worsen the situation, the restrictions will apparently have no set end date – it will instead be left to the discretion of the administration when to end or add further obstacles for each nation or to expand the list of nations.
We will be paying close attention to the announcement and will pursue all available options to continue to challenge policies that make us all less safe through their demonization of an entire religious community.”
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.