
Muslim Civil Rights Group Says Guidelines to Implement Muslim Ban Defy Common Sense

Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Johnathan Smith, legal director of Muslim Advocates, regarding today’s implementation of the Muslim and refugee ban and the State Department’s new criteria for visa applicants from the six impacted countries:

“The State Department’s guidelines implementing President Trump’s Muslim ban executive order are extremely disappointing and troubling.  Defining close family to exclude grandparents, cousins, and other relatives defies common sense; it also directly goes against the intent of the Supreme Court’s order.  Muslim Advocates will continue to monitor developments regarding the Muslim ban, and do all we can to oppose this bigoted, discriminatory, and fundamentally unfair policy.

Muslim Advocates will have a presence at Dulles airport tonight to ensure that traveler’s don’t get ensnared by this still unconstitutional policy.”

Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.
