May 7, 2017
Issue: Muslim Ban
Statement on Muslim Ban Hearings
UPDATE: On May, 11, 2017, the court issued a stay in the Muslim Advocates case against the Muslim ban, UMAA v. Trump. Click here for more information.
Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit will hold arguments about the legality of President Trump’s Muslim Ban; the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will hear arguments in a similar case challenging the Muslim Ban next Monday. As Muslim Advocates awaits a ruling from the federal district court in the District of Columbia in UMAA v Trump – another challenge to the lawfulness of the President’s Muslim Ban – it issued the following statement:
These court proceedings exemplify the very reasons our founding fathers created a system of checks and balances. With a president who has openly attacked countless individuals simply because of what they look like or where they come from, sought to create divisions based on faith, and has tried to use his power to discriminate against millions of those who live in America, the judicial branch of government serves as a critical line of defense in protecting the values and rights that has long made America a beacon of freedom. Muslim Advocates intends to pursue every legal tool to challenge the Trump Administration’s Muslim Ban, and will continue work around the clock to ensure that America remains a nation where all faiths are treated equally under the law.