
Muslim Advocates Applauds Second Blocking of Muslim Ban

Farhana Khera, president and executive director of Muslim Advocates, issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s Muslim ban being blocked in court again. Muslim Advocates filed an amicus brief that was cited in the court’s opinion in Hawai’i v Trump:

“The country and the courts have spoken once again: the Muslim ban is wrong and is unconstitutional. President Trump should rescind this executive order immediately and start working on the real challenges facing this country.

The Muslim ban has encouraged discrimination against Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim. People with no connection to the banned countries are being stopped and searched at airports and having their trusted traveler statuses revoked just for being a Muslim, looking like a Muslim, or having a name that sounds Muslim. These policies and practices are part of a concerted effort by the Trump administration to demonize and marginalize Muslim, Latino and other immigrant communities.

We applaud this ruling and will continue to work to ensure this temporary halt is permanent and the executive order is struck down.”

Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization that works on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths.  As a thoughtful voice in Washington, we ensure the concerns of American Muslims are heard by leaders at the highest levels of government.  As a watchdog of justice, we use the courts to bring to task those who threaten the rights of American Muslims. Learn more