April 5, 2016
Issue: Fighting Bigotry
April 14 Webinar: Rules of the Game – Election Activities for Nonprofits
You can now view the full webinar and other materials at the links below!
Join Muslim Advocates and the Alliance for Justice for an important webinar on guidelines for how your Mosque or community center can encourage civic participation in the upcoming election cycle without violating important laws that regulate political activities by charities.
At Muslim Advocates, we are committed to empowering and assisting the American Muslim nonprofit sector to be active participants in your communities – and that includes encouraging members to be civic-minded. However, there are clear rules about election-related activities for 501 (c)(3) charities. As the election cycle continues and our community is a frequent topic of discussion among candidates for office, it’s important to know how your charity can be involved!
What: Webinar: Rules of the Game – Election Activities for Nonprofits
When: April 14, 2016 – 3:30-4:30 EST,
Who: Brenda Abdelall, Director, Program to Strengthen Charities, Muslim Advocates
Isaiah Castilla, Counsel, Alliance for Justice
Our guest, Isaiah Castilla, Counsel at the Alliance for Justice, will walk you through the “Rules of the Game” as he highlights important rules regarding election activities for nonprofits. We’ll also have a question and answer portion of the call, to address specific questions or concerns you might have.
You can view the full webinar here:
You must provide a URL with the video tag:[video url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99CRJR6IL8c"]