November 20, 2015
Muslim Advocates Denounces Donald Trump Comments Calling for National Registry of American Muslims
Muslim Advocates Denounces Donald Trump Comments Calling for National Registry of American Muslims
It is simply unconscionable that Donald Trump would call for a forced national registration of American Muslims in the United States. Such an action is not only illegal under our Constitution, it would violate our nation’s most sacred values and repeat the deplorable practices of Nazi Germany.
Now is the time for our leaders to unite Americans under our ideals of freedom, justice and equality under law. We call on all Americans of good faith to reject the frightful and hateful ideas Mr. Trump has espoused.
Debayani Kar, Muslim Advocates, (510) 356-7733, [email protected]
Muslim Advocates is a national legal advocacy and educational organization working on the frontlines of civil rights to guarantee freedom and justice for Americans of all faiths. Through high impact lawsuits, policy advocacy, and community education, Muslim Advocates serves as a resource to empower communities and ensures that the American Muslim community is heard by the courts and leaders at the highest level of government. Visit Muslim Advocates at and follow @muslimadvocates.