July 31, 2014
Atlanta Legal & Financial Educational Seminar for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits & Mosques
Registration has closed for this event. Please contact us at (415) 539-0550 or seminar@muslima dvocates.org if you would like to attend.
Need Professional Guidance for Your Charity or Mosque?
Muslim Advocates Seminar Can Provide Solutions!
Muslim Advocates, in partnership with the Georgia Association of Muslim Lawyers, invites you to join us for our next Legal & Financial Educational Seminar for 501(c)(3) Nonprofits & Mosques. This instructional event featuring top-level expert attorneys and accountants is aimed at the leaders of mosques, Muslim nonprofits, and charitable organizations, including social services groups, schools, medical clinics, soup kitchens, international relief & humanitarian aid groups, and educational & arts organizations. Click here to learn more about past seminars.
Time & Location
Georgia Institute of Technology Student Center, 350 Ferst Drive NW, Atlanta, GA 30332
Saturday, September 6, 2014
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Issues addressed in this crucial educational seminar will include:
– Nonprofit Governance 101
– Financial & Accounting Best Practices
– Contact from Law Enforcement & FBI
– Protecting Religious Land Use
Confirmed speakers for the seminar include:
- Karim Hanafy, a former attorney with the IRS and now in private practice
- Matthew Gries, Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
- Greg Cashman, CPA, Smith and Howard
- Akil Secret, Owner, The Secret Firm, PC
- Aileen Bell Hughes, Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Georgia
Registration includes full admission to the seminar and a take-home workbook full of legal and financial resources. A halal breakfast and lunch will be served.
Past seminars have been at capacity, so make sure to register today!
If you are interested in learning more information about this event, please contact us at (415) 539-0550 or [email protected].