June 18, 2013
Statement by Glenn Katon, Legal Director of Muslim Advocates on ACLU Lawsuit, Raza v. City of New York
“Muslim Advocates supports the ACLU, CLEAR project, and NYCLU joint lawsuit challenging the New York Police Department’s discriminatory program spying on American Muslims based on religion alone. This additional action is unfortunately necessary to pressure Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who has repeatedly defended his department’s religion-based policing, to end this unlawful program. In just the last year, leaders across the country have urged the NYPD to end its misguided spying program, New Jersey victims filed a federal lawsuit against the NYPD through Muslim Advocates and the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the plaintiffs in the Handschu class action that set guidelines for NYPD surveillance have asked that federal court to find the NYPD’s Muslim spying in violation of those guidelines. The damage caused to innocent Muslim communities by the NYPD’s violation of Americans’ basic rights has been well documented. Commissioner Kelly’s recent pronouncement that the NYPD has changed nothing as a result of the exposure of the program leaves victims with no choice but to take their case to the courts. Muslim Advocates is optimistic that these lawsuits will lead to a better future for Americans of all faiths.”
Click here to learn more about the Muslim Advocates lawsuit against the NYPD.