June 17, 2010
Executive Director Farhana Khera Provides Congressional Testimony on Federal Discrimination Against American Muslims
Muslim Advocates Executive Director Farhana Khera testified in support of the End Racial Profiling Act before the U.S.Congress House Judiciary Committee on June 17, on a panel addressing “Racial Profiling and the Use of Suspect Classifications in Law Enforcement Policy.”
View the full committee hearing. (RealPlayer SP required)
Ms. Khera described practices and policies used by federal agents in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) which discriminate against American Muslims. She illustrated these practices with personal stories from Muslim Advocates own work, including its April 2009 report, Unreasonable Intrusions.
Download a media advisory on Ms. Khera’s testimony.
Download Ms. Khera’s written and oral testimonies from this Congressional hearing.